Tagged: claim

Believe In Yourself First

Image via wordsonimages.com

For the past three months, I’ve been working on a manuscript that began as a writing challenge. When I  discovered that I could submit an unfinished manuscript , I jumped at the chance. So here I am, splitting my time between editing the manuscript and writing this blog post.

I know that I’m good at telling stories. By no means am I bragging, but I know that I’m good. The problem is that I didn’t believe this manuscript was good. I didn’t believe that I had a manuscript that was good enough to be published.

To boost my confidence, I sent a few chapters to a friend of mine. She’s an avid reader and has NO problem letting me know her opinion. I was so nervous waiting for her to finish reading. I remember sitting around watching TV and being bombarded by text messages asking where were the remaining chapters.

It was that moment that I realized I needed to really believe in myself. While my friend believes in me, none of it matters if I don’t believe in myself. There are so many dreams I want to come true however, none of it will happen if I don’t believe it will come true.

Just believe in yourself and the rest will fall into place.